Saturday, September 12, 2009

38 WEEKS!!

WOW! We are currently 38 weeks! This is just a VERY QUICK update on what is going on! I believe Karlin is starting to descend, but is still kind of up there! :) We went to the Dr. on Wed and we are a FINGERTIP dilated! LOL! KNW <----About the length of those three letters! :) We are still very excited and in no rush to get our baby out of her wonderful playland! We have had an amazing pregnancy thus far and only expect it to be better! I think when people ask how we have been feeling they expect to hear negative feedback! NOT HAPPENING! We have been very blessed and as I stated are in no rush to get Karlin out. Just allowing God to continue to form her in these last couple weeks. We are very excited to see what she looks like...Im thinking she will have

Dave's & My hair (Thick & Curly)
Dave's eyes
My Nose
Dave's Mouth
My feet :)

Okay....So We will let you know who's features she has! We are soooo excited to meet her!
Dave picked out her coming home outfit and it was so awesome that we received it as a gift at our friends shower! Its a really cute little sweat suit! We will take plenty of pics! You know! First car ride! First time outside! First time in her new home! ETC ETC! So stay updated!

Also, we have been having some Braxton Hicks contractions so things are starting to happen!
We also had a shower thrown by two of my friends (Thank you Stace & Jimeka!!!)! Also, thank you so much to Stephanie for all of the cupcakes! Thanks to my mama for the food!! It was sooo good! YUM! It was so great to be with some of my girls to celebrate baby Karlin! We had a lot of fun and received a lot of beautiful gifts! The shower was also beautiful & again the food was amazing! LOL!

I will post pictures soon!

PS I celebrated my birthday on August 27th and I received my first card from my hubby and my daughter! It was so beautiful! It said " We love you mommy" It felt great to read those words! Dave also got a camera for my birthday, which means that we wont have to miss any of Karlin's moments because of a bootleg camera! LOL! Another insider..Kinda! Love you all very much! Thanks for checking the blog! Widget-Fetal Monitor-Baby Cam